- networking cu cei mai influenti oameni de business din Europa Centrala si de Est;
- experti de business cunoscuti la nivel international;
- + 50 de activari de brand spectaculoase;
- 2 zile memorabile de inspiratie si strategie de business;
- Cei mai multi top-executives la un loc
- Acces la educatie premium.
Vino cu echipa la BRAND MINDS - cel mai mare eveniment de business din Europa Centrala si de Est. Invata de la cei mai apreciati experti in business din lume:
Ziua 1 (2 Iunie 2023)
- James Clear, autorul bestsellerului international Atomic Habits;
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb, autorul bestsellerului international Lebada Neagra
- Neil Patel, expert renumit in digital marketing, iti arata cum cresti o audienta loiala brandului;
- Blair Singer, autorul bestsellerului international Sales Dogs;
- Renée Mauborgne, autoarea bestsellerului international Blue Ocean Strategy;
- Lynda Gratton, Team-Management Expert la London Business School;
- Anne-Marie Imafidon, Tech Leadership Expert;
- Tim Ferriss - Best Selling Business Author & host of "The Tim Ferriss Show"
Acces ziua 2 (3 Iunie 2023)
- Duncan Wardle, expert in inovatie si director de creatie Disney;
- venue access to DAY 1 speeches;
- experience a memorable business conference;
- learn from world-famous business thinkers;
- exclusive & valuable content that you won’t find anywhere else;
- access to BRAND MINDS membership platform & App;
- elite networking opportunity;
- BRAND MINDS attendance certificate;
- coffee breaks;
- lunch buffet;
- translation included for Romanian, Hungarian, and Bulgarian.
DAY 1 & 2 ACCESS (JUNE 2ND – 3RD):
- access to the Innovation Strategy MASTERCLASS with Duncan Wardle on June 3rd (9 AM – 2 PM);
- venue access to DAY 1 speeches and DAY 2 Innovation Strategy Masterclass;
- experience a memorable business conference;
- learn from world-famous business thinkers;
- exclusive & valuable content that you won’t find anywhere else;
- access to BRAND MINDS membership platform & App;
- elite networking opportunity;
- BRAND MINDS attendance certificate;
- coffee breaks;
- lunch buffet;
- translation included for: Romanian, Hungarian, and Bulgarian
Te asteptam sa te bucuri de experienta de a-i vedea in persoana pe acesti experti recunoscuti la nivel international.