ANULAT Brotherhood of the beast - RUADH & SYN ZE SASE TRI

Quantic, București
Intrarea Grozavesti 82, 060752
joi, 4 mai '23 acces de la 19:00
Ruadh (pronuntat Roo-ah) a pornit ca un proiect de studio al lui Tom Perrett in Glasgow, Scotia. Ruadh se incadreaza in zona Celtic Metal iar tematica versurilor este mitologia si istoria Scotiei. In 2018 Ruadh a semnat un contract cu Northern Silence Production din Germania sub umbrela carora a lansat 3 albume de studio "Sovereign" in 2018, "Rock Of the Clyde" in 2019 si "Eternal" in 2021. Distorted Sound Magazine spune despre Ruadh si albumul Eternal: "This is the most emotionally touching black metal album of the year thus far, and a true masterclass of atmospheric black metal." Mai multe detalii