Concertul este organizat si prezentat de Season of Mist, Metal Blade Records Europe, Black Harbour Entertainment si Rockstadt.
DER WEG EINER FREIHEIT [Black Metal] [Germania]
Nikita Kamprad și Tobias Jaschinsky, doi prieteni buni si mari iubitori de black metal, au decis sa infiiteze in 2009 o trupa insa nu dupa modelul clasic norvegian ci nativ cum ar fi Nagelfar sau Nocte Obducta.
In 2015 trupa deja lansa al treilea material numit „Stellar”, ceva revolutionar pentru trupa si apreciat de critici si public, fiind impresionati de abordarea diferita a black metal-ului si asociindu-l cu nuante psihedelice dar si delicate si melodice.
Al patrulea si ultimul album, „Finisterre” a fost lansat acum 2 ani sub label-ul Season Of Mist iar in martie 2019 trupa a lansat si un material live denumit „Live in Berlin” inregistrat la concertul din octombrie 2017.
Trupa se adreseaza iubitorilor de black metal in directia Wolves In The Tron Room, Nagelfar, Imperium Dekadenz.
DOWNFALL OF GAIA [Post Black Metal / Crust] [Germania]
In 2008, Anton si Dominc au decis sa infiinteze Downfall Of Gaia, o trupa care creeaza o muzica plina de melancolie, tristete, depresie si nihilism dar provocand o stare de mister si agresivitate. Unii i-au spus post black metal insa influentele sunt multiple: sludge, atmosferic si chiar punk sau crust.
Acum cativa ani trupa e semnat cu Metal Blade Records care a produs alti artisti cunoscuti cum ar fi Ulver, Agalloch sau Cult Of Luna.
Trupa se adreseaza iubitorilor de post black metal in directia Ulver, Agalloch sau Cult Of Luna.
Accesul la eveniment se poate face numai in baza biletului valid. Minorii cu varsta intre 10 si 14 ani au acces numai insotiti de un parinte sau tutore legal adulti si numai in baza biletelor valide pentru toate persoanele.
Minorii cu varsta intre 14 si 18 ani au acces neinsotiti.
Recomandam ca persoanele care participa la eveniment sa aiba asupra lor un act de identitate. In cazul minorilor, acest lucru este obligatoriu.
Doar membrii clubului pot rezerva locuri la masa in avans. Persoanele care nu sunt membrii ai clubului pot ocupa locuri la masa in momentul sosirii la locatie, in limita disponibilitatilor.
Pret bilet:
30 lei earlybird primele 50 de bilete
40 lei presale sale urmatoarele 200 de bilete
50 lei general sale si door sale
Biletele se gasesc online sau in reteaua iabilet dar si la locatie in avans sau la intrare in ziua concertului in limita biletelor ramase disponibile.
DER WEG EINER FREIHEIT and DOWNFALL OF GAIA live in Rockstadt Brasov on 14.09.2019.
The concert is organized and presented by Season of Mist, Metal Blade Records Europe, Black Harbor Entertainment and Rockstadt.
DER WEG EINER FREIHEIT [Black Metal] [Germany]
Nikita Kamprad and Tobias Jaschinsky, two good and big black metal lovers, decided to start a band in 2009, not similar to the Norwegian classic genre but native like Nagelfar or Nocte Obducta.
In 2015 the band had already released the third record called "Stellar", something revolutionary like and appreciated by critics and the audience, being impressed by the different approach of black metal and associating it with psychedelic shades but also delicate and melodic.
The fourth and final album, Finisterre, was released 2 years ago under the label Season Of Mist, and in March 2019 the band also released a live record "Live in Berlin" from the show held in October 2017.
The band addresses to fans of Wolves In The Tron Room, Nagelfar, Imperium Dekadenz.
DOWNFALL OF GAIA [Post Black Metal / Crust] [Germany]
In 2008, Anton and Dominc decided start Downfall Of Gaia, a band that creates music full of melancholy, sadness, depression and nihilism but provoking a state of mystery and aggression. Some have said black metal but influences are multiple: sludge, atmospheric and even punk or crust.
A few years ago, the band signed with Metal Blade Records that produced other well-known artists such as Ulver, Agalloch or Cult Of Luna.
The band addresses to fans of Ulver, Agalloch or Cult Of Luna.
Access to the event can only be made on the basis of the valid ticket. Minors aged between 10 and 14 have access only together with an adult or tutor and only on the basis of valid tickets for all persons.
Minors aged between 14 and 18 can have unaccompanied access.
We recommend that people attending the event have an identity card on them. In the case of minors, this is a must.
Only club members can book seats at the table in advance. People who are not members of the club can take seats at the table when arriving at the location, subject to availability.